Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm still alive..I promise!

So I guess I took a 5 month hiatus from blogging. It wasn't intentional but neither is half the things that happen in our daily lives these days. Let's see what's going on.....

Well, back in February, after 2 years of praying and researching and doctor visits and poking and prodding...I finally had gastric bypass surgery! I know...a major major step and change in my life, but I think it will be so worth it in the long run. A lot of people don't understand my decision and think I either made the wrong choice. And I've actually had a few people feel sorry for me because of it. But in all honesty, it's one of the best decisions I've ever made. I know I'll be healthier because of it and I'll prolong my life with my family. Not to mention it will go a long way in easing up my back pain. I can eat pretty much anything now...just not a lot at a time and certain foods just don't settle well with me. But through it all, 5 weeks later, I'm down 22 lbs so I think I'm well on my way!

We just had another amazing photo session with Julie. It was a mini-session at the Botanical Gardens and such a beautiful day to go with it too! Gracie looks so grown up these days and Jackson is stuck in this face of making a "scrunchy" face in all his pictures. At first, I kept trying to get him to stop doing it but then I thought...you know...that's just him. And when we look back at the pictures and see that little button nose all wrinkled up, we'll know..yep, he was 2 there and we'll remember it like it was yesterday.

The kids were so excited to see Miss Julie, too! They love hanging out with her and just being natural in pictures instead of being closed up in a studio. I loveeeee me some Julie pictures! Can't wait to see them all!

Potty training is coming along, slowly but surely. At first, we were having problems getting him to poop in the potty but the peeing was fine. And now it's just the opposite. Boys sure are different!! He has a funny routine though. He will go potty and come back and tell me, "Hey Mommy, I pooped! Come and see it and bring your phone!" I then have to take a picture with my phone and send it to Daddy so he can see it too. We then sit there and wait for Daddy to write back, the whole time Jackson saying, "Did he send you a message yet? Is he so proud? Did he see my poop?" But nothing compares to that grin when I tell him that Daddy said "Way to go!" Hey, if it works, it works!

Gracie is amazing. She gets all A's left and right. She's enjoying her RLC class at school where her teacher loves for them to "think outside the box". She's reading about a book a week now and racking up her Accelerated Reading points. She's just a little mini-Lawrence. On top of all that, she's growing up so fast. I see changes in her every day and it just warms my heart and breaks it all at the same time. It won't be long before hormones hit (they're already knocking on the door), boys start calling and we're picking out the right shade of lipstick. Sigh...where is my slow motion button when I need it??

We were just blessed with the birth of a new little niece. From the pictures we've seen, she's absolutely beautiful! We can't wait to see her hopefully on our next trip out to Texas. Chloe Marie Hillis, we love you!

We're also getting ready for the arrival of yet another new little niece, sometime in May. Counting down the weeks now until Addison Faith makes her grand entrance into the world, melts her Momma's heart and wraps her Daddy around that little bitty finger. Can't wait!

Birthdays are around the corner too. I can't believe Gracie will soon be 9 and Jackson will be 3. They're going to have another joined birthday party at the Splash Pad again like last year. They loved it. We just can't agree on the theme so it very well may be a two-themed party. We shall see!

Gracie started up softball again and her first game is this Saturday, April 3rd. Her team is called the Hot Shots and Lawrence is an assistant coach. I'm glad that they are getting to share this together. She also plays her cousin, Erin, twice this season so that should be interesting!

Everything else seems to be going good. I'm excited about all the changes God is making at church. There are lots of visitors and new members and we've baptized so many these last few weeks. It's truly a blessing. I love leading the women's Esther class each Sunday night. I will truly miss that when it's finished. God has been dealing with my heart lately and I know I am supposed to lead/direct some kind of women's ministry. I just don't know what kind or when yet. But I know God knows and He'll clue me in when it's time. Until then, I'll keep praying about it. I'm really excited about what God is going to do!

I guess that's it for now. I'll try to stay on top of things and blog more regularly. Hope everyone is doing well!