Friday, June 15, 2012

Lazy Blogger

Apparently, life keeps happening faster than anticipated and you go almost a year to the day before you blog again. Not sure why it happens like this when it's something I know I love doing.

Recently, a friend on Facebook started her own blog and I've been reading her posts the last few days. They are hilarious and insightful and truly reminded me how much I love to blog when I actually remember to do here goes...yet again.

To play catch up, Gracie is now 11 and going into the 6th grade (yikes). Jackson is now 5 and will be going into Kindergarten this coming August (double yikes). Not sure which breaks my heart more...seeing how grown up she is or the thought of him walking out the door daily and someone else being in charge of him. I may or may not need a prescription to deal with this.

And to top all this off, we are halfway to seeing our third little blessing!  We found out last month that we are expecting a baby girl.  It's been a pretty easy pregnancy minus the surprise of having gestational diabetes this time around.  I'm guessing it has a lot to do with my body being all upside down and first time being pregnant after having gastric bypass two years ago.'s not too terribly bad.  I have to poke myself three times a day to check my blood sugar and give myself insulin once a day right before bed. And my levels are good, weight gain is decent....all in all, not bad.

The weird thing this time around is being told by the doctor that I'm not eating enough. Compare that to the first two pregnancies where I ate anything that wasn't tied down (and probably a few things that were), and it's a very very different perspective.  Hopefully that just means that the baby weight won't take *ahem* five years or more to disappear this time!

So, we're getting into baby mode slowly by buying little things here and there and preparing the house room by room.  Little updating here, fresh coat of paint there, and some rearranging all over.  I'm glad we still have four months to go so we can get it all done!

We had a baby cake reveal last month at church. That was exciting! We had gone to the doctor on that Monday and had the ultrasound but we didn't want to be told what we were having.  So I had our sweet technician step out of the room and she called my cake lady (Cakes by AmyBeth!) and told her.  I did everything I could for the next two days to keep myself busy until dinner at church Wednesday night!  Finally, when it was time, Lawrence set up a live camera feed, and our family in Texas was able to share our moment with us when we cut the cake.  I would have been absolutely blessed and happy, boy or girl....but to see the inside of that PINK cake just put me over the moon!  So...we should be saying hello to our sweet Sarah Kate @ October 10 or so!

Lawrence still works hard.  Gracie is still my brainiac. And Jackson is still obsessed with super heroes and super villians. Some things never change and I'm glad for that.  I'll deal with enough changes in four more months!

I'll end this blog with some recent Jacksonisms to maybe cause a smile or two.

God bless!

Jackson crawls up in my lap and starts hugging on me and says...."Mommy, I love you with all my heart....because you take care of me, you protect me, you do such nice things for me, and you don't hit me and you never try to kill me." Gotta love that complete honesty and appreciation, huh?


When Jackson is home and Gracie is at school, the superheroes are tough. They fight. They push around the bad guys. They save the day.

When Gracie is home and Jackson has talked her into playing, suddenly Thor takes lunch breaks, Wolverine is a dad, and Hulk and Abomination go out to eat at Chili's after work.

Oh the changes a woman can bring!


Random out of nowhere Friday thoughts and questions from a four year old.... "Do kangaroos get pregnant? We should feed sushi to eagles because it's fancy and they would like it. You know they call them dolphins because they have fins but I'm not sure what a dolph is. I know all this because I'm already a marine biologist."


After asking Lawrence to do something for me, he replies, "That's going to require more kisses." Jackson's reply was, "That's going to require more throwing up." Ah, romance as a Mom and Dad!  

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